tisdag 22 februari 2011

Santas little helper

Totallycoolpix as allways on the big eastern dragon.

China’s economy is growing at a rate Western countries can only dream of. As a country it overtook Japan last year as the second biggest economy in the world and it looks as if they are gunning for the top spot. China produces almost everything we consume today. It has become the world’s factory. Great in one way as it’s cheap labor keeps prices down, enabling more and more people of increasing their standard of living. However, this results in jobs being lost to China across the world. From the poor chicken farmer’s of Africa to the machine makers of the US. If we start to buy local we pay a higher price but keep local people in work. If we keep buying from China we save money but keep their people in work. It’s a careful balancing act we are still trying to perfect, just as China is trying to balance modern capitalism with it’s cultural heritage which is rural life.

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